by Randolfo Pozos | Jun 18, 2015
Dear Theologika, Why is there this big devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? Don’t people realize that Jesus loves them unconditionally? Dear Unconditionally, Unfortunately, many people don’t experience unconditional love when they are growing up. Sometimes they can...
by Randolfo Pozos | May 21, 2015
Dear Theologika, Why do Catholics worship the Virgin Mary? Wondering Dear Wondering, This is a common misunderstanding of the devotion Catholics have for Mary the Mother of God. Catholics do not worship the Virgin Mary. Catholics, like other Christians, only worship...
by Kathleen Brewer de Pozos | Feb 22, 2015
Dear Theologika, How long is Lent? I’ve heard that it’s 40 days, but when I counted the days on a Lenten activities calendar there were 46. What’s that all about? Numbers Matter Dear Numbers, The season of Lent is 40 days. However, the number of...
by Kathleen Brewer de Pozos | Oct 11, 2014
Dear Theologika, I’ve been hearing a lot recently about being called to be holy and about holiness. But I don’t know what it means to be holy. I know the saints are holy. I’ve heard that God tells people in the Bible to be holy because He is holy....