Reconciliation – Walking Together Again

Reconciliation – Walking Together Again

  Dear Theologika, Why has the Church changed the name of the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) to Reconciliation? Isn’t it supposed to be about doing penance to make up for our sins? Mary Dear Mary, The sacrament of Reconciliation has a long history,...
Crucifix or Cross?

Crucifix or Cross?

Dear Theologika, Why do Catholics typically have a crucifix in their homes and churches rather than crosses? Just Wondering Dear Wondering, For Catholics, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are all part of the mystery of salvation, the Paschal Mystery. No part...
How Long Is Lent?

How Long Is Lent?

Dear Theologika, How long is Lent? I’ve heard that it’s 40 days, but when I counted the days on a Lenten activities calendar there were 46. What’s that all about? Numbers Matter Dear Numbers, The season of Lent is 40 days. However, the number of...
Liturgical Colors

Liturgical Colors

Dear Theologika, Why do the colors the priest wears when celebrating Mass change during the year? Can I choose the color I’d like him to wear to match my wedding’s color theme? Curious Bride Dear Curious, The colors of the robes (vestments) worn by...
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