by Randolfo Pozos | Mar 23, 2017
Dear Theologika, What are the sacraments of initiation? Someone told me that I was not a full-fledged Catholic because I have not been confirmed and I have not made my first communion. I thought that just being baptized in the Catholic Church made me a full member of...
by Kathleen Brewer de Pozos | Oct 29, 2016
Dear Theologika, Why has the Church changed the name of the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) to Reconciliation? Isn’t it supposed to be about doing penance to make up for our sins? Mary Dear Mary, The sacrament of Reconciliation has a long history,...
by Kathleen Brewer de Pozos | Sep 17, 2016
Dear Theologika, Why do Catholics typically have a crucifix in their homes and churches rather than crosses? Just Wondering Dear Wondering, For Catholics, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are all part of the mystery of salvation, the Paschal Mystery. No part...
by Randolfo Pozos | Nov 29, 2015
Dear Theologika, I heard someone refer to the domestic church. What is it? Wondering Dear Wondering, The domestic church is the church in your home. We often think that prayer, worship, and acts of charity and justice happen only outside our home in the wider church...
by Randolfo Pozos | Sep 27, 2015
Dear Theologika, Why is there all this bother about social justice? I’m a good Catholic. I go to Mass and confession and say my prayers. Why do I need to worry about social justice too? Perplexed in the Pews Dear Perplexed, When Jesus was asked what the greatest...