by Fr. David Jaspers | Apr 21, 2015
Dear Theologika, What does it mean that “every time we eat His body and drink His blood we proclaim His death?” I thought He was Alive Dear Alive, St. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 11, from whence we get the saying, is teaching about the Eucharist and what the...
by Kathleen Brewer de Pozos | Mar 25, 2015
Dear Theologika, Why did Jesus ride a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday? I thought he usually walked wherever he went. Did he get lucky and have a friend who’d lend him the donkey? I’d rather ride! Dear Rather Ride, The choice of a donkey was an...
by Kathleen Brewer de Pozos | Jan 21, 2015
Dear Theologika, Why do the colors the priest wears when celebrating Mass change during the year? Can I choose the color I’d like him to wear to match my wedding’s color theme? Curious Bride Dear Curious, The colors of the robes (vestments) worn by...